When setting up at TT bike it's important to think about gear ratios. Nice straight through combination on the back helps you get in exactly the right gear, while the right number of teeth up front will help you punch out some pretty big power figures. Take my advice and stop mucking around with 43, 54 or 55 teeth. These granny gears don't cut the mustard so take my advice and get one of these little rippers!

You can see that this is a pretty old photo (this is one taken of my grandad as he was about to head for a training ride in 1952). Now that you have proof that these monster chain rings are not new it's surprising we don't see more of these around. At 124 teeth this baby will easily save you 'one second per kilometre'.
Our tally to date:
- 1 second per kilometre for 'aero head'
- 1 second for throwing yourself
- 1 second per kilometre for massive chain ring.
All up you'll be travelling 33 seconds quicker at Bright's TT!
Can I get one of the 124 teeth babies in Carbon.
It might have to be a solid carbon disc. What we can do is buy a Zipp 900 and bond the teeth to the rim.
Transfer $4,250 (inc GST) into my account and it will be ready by TOB.
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